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Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines Takes the Guesswork out of Children’s Health
As a parent, we all want the very best for our kids. This includes healthcare. Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines was born out of a need for better natural healthcare options, especially for our kids.
The common theme we noticed when we were invited to open a practice in Des Moines three years ago was that there were so many kids with common ailments including asthma, allergies, eczema, chronic ear infections, sinus infections, anxiety, depression, ADD/ADHD, and other health issues that were not being helped by the modalities currently in the area. Real healthcare was missing here. There was a need for something more. Something that could get to the root cause of these symptoms and diagnoses and offer real solutions.
This is the heart of what we do.
Realizing that there is something else going on under every symptom, we get to the root cause of whatever health issues your child is going through and offer safe, natural solutions that provide lasting results without the use of unnecessary medications or surgeries.
How we do this is with an advanced method of non-invasive muscle testing that we brought to Des Moines and even taught all of the other practitioners in the area now doing it how to implement it in their practices. We test for food sensitivities, immune system challenges, metals, chemicals, and other toxins including mold. Once we determine what the underlying stressors are to your child’s nervous system, we can then put together a root cause nutrition program combining food, whole food supplementation, homeopathy, and herbal medicine individualized for your child’s needs.
Our expertise in children’s health goes far beyond just muscle testing. As a parent of five children myself, I know what challenges parents face so we take a realistic, functional approach to health. We know what a huge roll food and nutrition plays and how much junk food and sugar are marketed to our kids. Our goal is to educate and empower parents to know how to truly nourish their children so that they can feel their best. We do this through regular education both during visits and also through free workshops through our office.

We have seen true miracles from a 14-year girl being told she would have to have her colon removed and be on medication for the rest of her life due to ulcerative colitis going into complete remission, to a 12-year old boy almost being kicked out of school due to ADHD getting awards for reading after being on a program with us.
True miracles of health and healing because a parent decided to take their child’s health in their own hands and do something different. That decision made over and over by thousands of parents has resulted in over 50,000 patient visits by children over the last few years that has literally changed the lives of entire families.
Not only kids, we help parents as well. Some of the main health issues we see are thyroid, stress, fatigue, autoimmune, Lyme Disease, digestive issues, skin issues, pain, adrenal issues, sleep problems, and so much more. We are sometimes the last stop on a long train of not getting the answers to health issues elsewhere. Our motto is, while there is hope there is life and while there is life there is hope. We provide hope here. Real answers. Real results.
We are on the front lines of wellness at NHIC Des Moines, and health starts here!
For more information on who we are and what we do, please visit our website at We can also be reached to book an appointment by phone at 515-243-0173, or by email at
**Written by Sarah Outlaw, MH, MSACN