Des Moines Parent Spotlight: Jill Neil of Jill Neil Photography Jill Neil is a lot of things: brand photographer and creative champion who’s mastered the art of capturing both moments...
Des Moines Parent Spotlight: Juelie Gish of Humble Hands A live watercolor painting on-site at an event?! Say no more! That’s just about the coolest thing ever, and Juelie Gish...
Des Moines Parent Spotlight: Aly Davis of Fit and Fierce 515 Aly Davis exudes positivity. It’s seriously contagious. That’s part of why she’s so well suited for all her roles...
Des Moines Parent Spotlight: Mindy Carlson of Minderson Press and MIX Creative Community Owning and operating two small businesses might sound like a feat, but it’s nothing Mindy Carlson can’t...
Des Moines Parent Spotlight: Julie Jones of Julie Jones Coaching For Julie Jones of Julie Jones Coaching, being a small business owner comes with many perks. But perhaps best of...