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Easter in Des Moines, Iowa 2024
Eggs hunts, bunnies, and eggs everywhere. There are a ton of opportunities to hunt for eggs in Des Moines this Spring. Check out our list of Des Moines Easter Egg Hunts for 2024. If you have an event you would like to add let us know here.
Bookmark these other fun resources to help you have a fun Spring in Des Moines!
Howell’s Greenhouse and Pumpkin Patch | 2024 Sponsor
Egg Palooza
March 30th, April 6th & 7th
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Howell’s Greenhouse & Pumpkin Patch
Take pictures with the Easter Bunny, enjoy their chaos-free egg hunt, take a spin in their bathtub train, have unlimited access to their Farmyard Play Yard, and many more new activities around the farm- There’s no better way to spend your Easter fun than at Howell’s. Purchase tickets here.
Activities included with your admission:
- Chaos-free egg hunt
– No need to bring your basket, we supply the egg carton
– Eggs will be out all day, rain or snow or shine. - Take photos with the Easter Bunny
– Don’t forget your camera! - Farmyard Play Yard
- Bath Tub Train rides
- Easter-themed Photo Ops
- Corn Pool
- Obstacle Course
- Bee Lines
Visit the Easter Bunny at Valley West Mall
Valley West Mall
Photos with the bunny at Valley West Mall will be available on various dates and times between March 1 and March 30. Take a look at the full schedule. Take note of two specific events below!
- The Easter Bunny arrives Friday, March 1 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Valley West Mall. Enjoy balloon artists, face painting, crafts, and more! It’s the perfect way to celebrate the season and create unforgettable memories with your family. Learn more about this special event.
- Sensory Bunny will be held on March 17 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. before the mall opens to provide a calm environment for families to be able to enjoy the seasonal tradition of photos with the Bunny. Learn more here.
Sensory Friendly Glowtastic Egg Hunt
Friday, March 22
5 to 6:30 p.m.
Des Moines Children’s Museum
This time is for children on the autism spectrum those with sensory sensitivities and their families. Enjoy a glow-in-the-dark egg hunt in a quiet and calm space and explore the museum’s regular exhibits. There will be sensory bins, communication boards, and a low-light calming space.
Glowtastic Egg Hunt
Saturday, March 23, Friday, March 28 & Saturday, March 30
6 to 8 p.m.
Des Moines Children’s Museum
A special after-hours event featuring a glow-in-the-dark ongoing egg hunt, cotton candy, and a few special surprises. All regular exhibits will be open.
$10 for ages 1 – 10; free for infants, adults, and members. Admission is at the door.
Family Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt
Friday, March 22
8:15 p.m.
Indianola Parks & Recreation
Participants need to dress for the weather and bring their flashlight and a bag or basket for eggs. Gather as many eggs as you can find, then open them up to discover whether they hold candy or prizes from our amazing sponsors.
Register each child participating in this event. Adults and nonparticipating infants/children need not register.
Ankeny Kiwanis Club’s Ankeny Community Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, March 23
9:30 a.m.
Hawkeye Park in Ankeny
The Ankeny Kiwanis Club’s Ankeny Community Easter Egg Hunt will be at 9:30 AM at Hawkeye Park, with an accessible hunt at Miracle Field. Free of charge. The Easter Bunny will be in attendance, too! A special thanks to sponsors Nilles & Associates, JMT Trucking, and partner AHS Key Club service group for helping make this event possible!
Community Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, March 23
2 p.m.
New Hope United Methodist Church
Hippity Hop over to New Hope UMC at 4525 Beaver Ave for an EGG-ceptional Easter Egg hunt on the church lawn! Egg hunt areas will be separated by age, kiddos 0-12 are welcome to participate! They expect the egg hunt will go quickly, so be sure to be on time (we start at 2 pm sharp) so you don’t miss the EGG-citement!
For a little EGG-stra fun, be sure to stop and get your photo with the Easter Bunny!
Community Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, March 23
9 a.m.
Woodlawn Park in Des Moines
Kids Aged 0 – 5th grade are invited to come hunt Easter eggs at one of the largest hunts in the Des Moines metro.
Kids Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, March 23
9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
ZA GA ZIG Shrine in Altoona
Easter Egg Hunt (Weather Permitting). Ages: 1-10 (Separated by age group). Indoor games and prizes.
ARL Eggstravaganza
Saturday, March 23
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Animal Rescue League
Let your dog enjoy the thrill of the hunt…for treats!
When your dog touches the plastic eggs with their nose, into your basket it goes! Check-in will be right outside the main doors, at the beginning of the walking trail. Hop over to our photo area and then the hunt begins! Follow the walking trail to find eggs, treats, and more! Once all the eggs have been found, head over to Bailey’s Dog Park for off-leash time, treats, and fun with your new dog friends! Learn more here.
Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, March 23
9:30 a.m. to Noon
Perkins Elementary School
Games/activities will start at 9:30 am and the hunt will be at 10:00 am. Come get your photo taken with the Easter bunny!!!
Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, March 23
10:30 a.m.
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Join them for a morning of fun, hunting eggs on our west lawn. Meet in the church narthex (use the east entrance) promptly at 10:30 A.M. Bring a basket to collect your eggs!
Special Egg Event
Saturday, March 23
3 to 5 p.m.
4250 114 th Street in Urbandale, IA
The Special Egg Event is a free Easter egg hunt for children with special needs and their families. Enjoy food, carnival games, activity areas, and egg hunts that are designed for your child.
- A Quiet Egg Hunt for children on the Autism Spectrum or children with Sensory Processing issues who need a quieter environment. Children who do not need a calm sensory environment should sign up for the general egg hunt.
- A Beeping Egg Hunt For children who are blind or visually impaired.
- A Magnetic Egg Hunt For children with wheelchairs or mobility restrictions. Magnetic eggs and poles allow children to collect eggs
- A General Egg Hunt with 2 heats: ASSISTED for children who need extra time or assistance hunting for eggs and UNASSISTED for siblings of children involved in any other hunts.
Family Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, March 30
9 a.m.
Colby Park
Come join the members of WHFFA, along with Ember and the Easter Bunny, for an Easter Egg Hunt! All ages are welcome! The hunt will start at 9:00 am SHARP!! NOTE: Colby Park is getting a remodel, so the tennis courts and playground will NOT be open! Details can be found here.
Easter Egg Hunt at EasterSeals
Saturday, March 30
2:30 p.m.
EasterSeals Iowa
Join EasterSeals for an afternoon of fun. Starting at 2:30 p.m. arrive to play games. At 3 p.m. the Easter Egg Hunt begins. Stay afterward to watch the Pony Express Riders.
Union Park Spring Egg Hunt
Saturday, March 30
10 a.m.
Union Park in Des Moines
Mark your calendars for the Union Park Spring Egg Hunt! This event starts at 10 am with the hunt for eggs! The hunt is divided by age groups so everyone gets a shot at finding some eggs. After the egg hunt, hop over to the Heritage Carousel for a free ride on the Carousel! The Easter Bunny will be there as well.
Easter Egg Hunt & Breakfast
Saturday, March 30
9 a.m.
6809 SE Bellagio Court in Ankeny
Bring the whole family for a morning of fun! There will be an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids at 9 am sharp and a pancake breakfast for all. Thousands of candy-filled eggs, just bring a basket! New this year – the Easter Bunny is staying longer to take pictures with each of the kiddos!
Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, March 30
9 a.m.
Ted Lare Design Build & Garden Center
Join Ted Lare for the most egg-citing event of the season – their Annual Easter Egg Hunt! Don’t be tardy, as this thrilling hunt happens in a flash! The best part? It’s FREE!
Two egg-ceptional hunts await – one for kids ages 8 and above, and a special area for the little ones, ensuring every kiddo has a crack at the fun. Over 8,000 eggs, brimming with prizes and candy, are waiting to be discovered!
Rainbow Ray Face Painting from 9 am-11 am. Choose from a plethora of AMAZING face painting options available for purchase! Save the date and hop on over – no sign-up required!
Hop into Uptown
Saturday, March 30
Uptown Ankeny
More details coming soon! Keep your eyes open on their website.
Family Easter
Saturday, March 30
9 a.m. to Noon
Living History Farms
Welcome spring with our one-of-a-kind Easter celebration!
$9 for ages 2 and up ($8 for members; 1 and under free).
Join the 1876 town of Walnut Hill in celebrating Easter with traditional holiday activities with an old-fashioned flair. There will be ongoing egg hunts (for toddlers to 12-year-olds, divided by age), baby farm animals, horse-drawn wagon rides, games, “spring training” with our Walnut Hill Bluestockings, and more. Don’t forget to take your picture with the Easter Bunny and grab some grub from local food vendors! We will once again be offering an allergy-free egg hunt option.
This event goes on, rain or shine! Please arrive by 11 a.m. to experience as much as possible.
HPOP Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, March 30
8:30 to 11 a.m.
Riverview Park in Des Moines
Join them for their Annual Easter Egg Hunt. They will have an Easter Egg hunt for kids 1-12 (with a staggered start starting at 9 am). Fun for all ages with music, prizes, and even a special visit from the Easter Bunny himself! Stop on down and come celebrate!
Egg My House Opportunities
Not interested in stuffing and hiding a bunch of eggs for the kiddos? Here are some fun ‘Egg My House’ opportunities that support local organizations. Have someone else do the work and support an amazing cause!
- Egg My Yard – Mustangs 11U Fundraiser. Sign-up here.

Erin Huiatt
Erin is a reliable resource and stepping stone for women and families to find support and make connections within our community. She wants families to feel confident to reach out and ask for help and advice to get pointed in the right direction. She enjoys traveling and exploring with her two children in tow!