Des Moines Parent Spotlight: Thomas Brogan

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Des Moines Parent Spotlight: Thomas Brogan

Did you know that Thomas Brogan was the founder of Des Moines Parent!? Yepp, Thomas originally created Des Moines Parent and in early 2015 I took over. I am forever grateful to him for originally creating this platform and giving me the opportunity to take it over and help it grow. Learn more about Thomas and his family now and some of his favorites in Des Moines, Iowa.

Des Moines Parent Spotlight, Thomas Brogan

Give us a little background of your family and personal life! How many kids do you have? Have you lived in Des Moines all your life?

I have 2 kids, 7 and 10. I have lived in the Des Moines area my whole life and my family all lives here as well. We love the Des Moines area and are proud to call this home.

What is your business, and what do you do?

I work for the Polk County Recorder’s Office. I am 1st Deputy Recorder and I oversee and help run the office.

Where is your favorite place to take your children to play indoors?

My favorite place to take the kids inside is bowling! We go to Air Lanes or Warrior Lanes and enjoy getting a game or two. I have to admit my daughter is as good as me!

Where is your favorite place to take your children to play outdoors?

Outdoors we hit local parks quite a bit. I live in Norwalk now, so we tend to visit those parks a lot and the kids also enjoy Racoon River Park in West Des Moines. You can play, hit the beach or walk!

Parent’s day/night out. Describe your perfect parent only day/night out in Des Moines.  

My perfect parent’s day would be a trip to the pool with my kids. I love just relaxing and watching them have a good time!

What are some tips on juggling parenthood, working, and personal life?

Never take life too seriously! Kids will test your patience and there are times when you feel like they are too much, but you just gotta keep going! Be patient, kind and life will be good!

What is your number one parenting tip?

Don’t say the first thing on your mind. Take your time and think about what you say before you say it. It pays off in the end!

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Des Moines Parent Spotlight, Thomas Brogan


Erin Huiatt

Erin is a reliable resource and stepping stone for women and families to find support and make connections within our community. She wants families to feel confident to reach out and ask for help and advice to get pointed in the right direction. She enjoys traveling and exploring with her two children in tow!

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