New Year, New Budget Coming up with New Year’s resolutions is a breeze. Eat more green stuff? Easy peasy. More movement? Challenge accepted! Budgeting? Well, yes… but where to begin?...
Consignment Stores for Adults in Des Moines, Iowa Parents often overlook themselves when shopping. We get distracted by all the cute children’s clothing and forget that we also deserve a...
From Piggy Banks to Paychecks: Saving Tips for Teens What if I told you I’d been saving since I was three years old? And not just in one of those...
The Magic of Making Money Decisions Teaching financial literacy at a young age is as important as teaching the ABCs and 123s because it helps children become smart money managers,...
5 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started My Family’s “Financial Freedom” Journey Have you ever thought to yourself — “It sure would have been a lot easier if...