Why '100 Things To Do in Des Moines' Should Be Your First Homeschool Curriculum Purchase This is the time of year when you may realize your child’s current school situation...
Top 5 Homeschool Spots in Des Moines That is Not Home You may hear the word “HOMESCHOOL” and think these kids must spend a lot of time at home. Or...
Farm Exploration in Des Moines, Iowa My favorite thing about homeschooling this time of year is getting outside and exploring our community! My kids are animal lovers and one child...
Homeschooling in Des Moines, Iowa Guide Families may choose to educate their children at home instead of sending them to a public or private school which is called homeschooling. A...
Des Moines Educator Resigns After 22 Years to Start Liberty Self-Directed Learning Center For the past two decades, Troy Salazar has served Des Moines Public Schools as a regular education...